Tag Archives: raising hope

Fall 2011 Television Report Card: Returning Shows

Hello! As promised, I am still here to bring you the Report Card for this Fall 2011 Television season. It’s not an easy task, watching all this TV, but someone’s got to do it. No, I’m kidding, I do this because I want to give more meaning to spending hours and hours of vegging out in front of the television and devouring more TV shows than your average network executive. 😉

We have reached November and the sweeps have officially begun. Some shows have even had their Fall finales, and some networks have released their mid-season schedule (No Community, NBC?? WTF?). Anyway, as infuriating as NBC’s decision to bench Community can be, I still have to make good on my promise to report to you how our returning Fall shows are faring this season. So without further ado, let’s just take a look at our Fall 2011 television season so far and see how they’re doing so far. Is this a great TV season, or is it the worst in years? Let’s take a look, shall we?


Truthfully, the only returning show that I still watch on Sundays is HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. I don’t watch The Good Wife (please don’t make me explain why again, I’ve done it so many times in this blog), I have given up hope on Dexter after the disappointing season 4 and I don’t watch The Walking Dead (serious zombies are not my thing. I prefer my zombies hilarious, a la Zombieland and Shaun of The Dead). And I’m so not into How To Make It In America (which is basically Entourage, with a smaller budget). Which means I’m going to have to compare Boardwalk Empire with last season to be able to judge it fairly. And so far, this season is not much of an improvement. I love that we get more Richard Harrow, Rothstein, Capone and Chalky White – who are all great characters played by amazing actors, but I think the show could benefit from some character developments. Last season the female characters suffer from lack of developments, and this season, it seems the writers don’t really know what they want to do with Jimmy Darmody, which is a shame since Michael Pitt is definitely a great actor who can deliver perfection every week. Now that the season’s inching closer to the end and the stakes are raised, I’m hoping they’ll finally get it together and give us a truly satisfying finale that will make us forget about the frustrating early episodes.

Sunday Night Grade:

Boardwalk Empire: B- (It definitely got better midway through, and Richard Harrow alone made the show deserving of this grade)


Like I said in my previous post, Monday night is definitely a pretty crowded night of television for me, so if a show is lacking in quality on a night like this, I usually give it up pretty quickly (goodbye, Hawaii Five-0!). But one show I know I won’t ever give up even if it gets 8 seasons like Entourage (which I highly doubt because nobody seems to be watching it except for me and a few people in Brooklyn), is HBO’s Bored To Death. Now in its third season, this Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson and Zach Galifianakis screwball comedy continues to be hysterically funny and wonderfully odd. As one commenter in NY Magazine’s Vulture blog once said, “Bored To Death is Entourage for people who hate Entourage.” – a fitting description for a show that is light, funny, a tad insane and a whole lot of fun.

Of course in terms of ratings, Monday nights belong to CBS’ How I Met Your Mother, now in its 7th season (and we still haven’t met the mother yet! Do we even still want to?) and ABC’s Castle, now in its 4th season. How I Met Your Mother may not be as “cool” as Bored To Death in terms of comedy, but surprisingly, this season is not half-bad. It was flailing in the beginning of the season but now I’m enjoying it more, and not just because they seem to be revisiting the Barney and Robin romance once again. I’m not too crazy about Kal Penn as Robin’s boyfriend because she seems to have more chemistry with a stick of butter than with him, but eh, at least he helps drive the plot forward. Meanwhile, Castle benefited from having a strong season opener and even though the show focuses more on the cases of the week instead of the Castle-Beckett sexual tension, it actually works in their favor. Who knows, maybe they’ll just pull a Bones next season and have Beckett pregnant with Castle’s baby all of a sudden. That’s one way to beat the Moonlighting curse!

Speaking of pregnancy, The CW’s Gossip Girl is going through with the Blair Waldorf pregnancy plot, though now almost halfway in the fifth season, she still looks as thin as ever (seriously, stick a pillow under there or something!). However, despite the ridiculousness of every single plot, I think this season is actually an improvement, or maybe the last two were just so bad that anything can be seen as an improvement. Two things I would want to be rid off in this show though: Dan Humphrey’s floppy hair and Elizabeth Hurley. As Jessica Pressler of NY Magazine’s Daily Intel blog notes, “She’s the only British who can make her real British accent sound fake.” Too bad it doesn’t seem like her (and Dan’s Jeff Buckley hair) are going anywhere soon. Across the (Canadian) border, the addictive CBC drama Being Erica is now in its fourth and final season, and sadly the season has been underwhelming so far. I like that Kai is back, but I was kind of expecting Erica to have finally resolved her issues with men already by now, and yet she seems to still be as damaged as ever. I just hope that it’ll improve fast, since we all deserve a satisfying series finale and conclusion to this journey.

Monday Night Grades:

Bored To Death: A (I just can’t find anything bad to say about this show!)

How I Met Your Mother: C+ (Still in a continued decline from the early seasons, but there’s hope of a turnaround)

Castle: B (The quality remains consistent)

Gossip Girl: C- (We still need to suspend our disbelief every week, but at least some plots are quite enjoyable)

Being Erica: B- (Come on, Erica, get your shit together, girl!)


Tuesday night television used to be the most exciting night for me, mostly because of Glee. But that show burns out so fast (more on that later) that I’m not even that excited about it anymore. But Tuesday night continues to be a great night for television simply because of the little show that could on NBC called Parenthood. Honestly, I don’t know why people aren’t watching this show. It’s honest-to-goodness that amazing. Emily Nussbaum of (now) The New York Times once said that Parenthood is the television equivalent of a nice, warm, bubble bath. You just want to soak in the goodness, preferably with a glass of red wine in your hand.

When Parenthood continues to warm our hearts in its third season, I can’t say the same about Glee, which saddens me because it was only two years ago when the show stole my heart and made me a devotee. But Glee, much like its characters’ relationships, turns out to be just another puppy love – it burns hot, it burns bright and then it fizzles away. Out of the six episodes that have aired so far this season, only two were actually great and reminiscent of the early episodes of season one. Ryan Murphy can’t seem to figure out what to do with half the cast, and he’s got to write in parts for winners of The Glee Project too. I still hold out hope that this show will return to its former glory before this season’s over but from the looks of things, we may have to bow out just as soon as the New Direction seniors graduate. However, another Fox comedy Raising Hope seems to be faring a lot better than Glee, if only in terms of quality. It may not have as many viewers, but now in its sophomore season, Raising Hope is still as funny, crazy and irreverent as its freshman year. If Glee continues to dwindle in quality, I wouldn’t be surprised if New Girl and Raising Hope end up replacing it as Fox’s favorite.

On to the good ol’ cop procedural, Canadian drama Flashpoint has just moved from CBS to Ion TV and yet continues to churn out solid episodes. It’s edge-of-your-seat thrilling while still tugging at your heartstrings at the same time. I will even go so far as to call this show the “Parenthood of cop procedural“. It doesn’t disappoint even after four seasons and two cast changes. Over on ABC, Body of Proof seems to be finding its footings in its second season, and Dana Delany’s character is a lot more sympathetic now, but it still has room to grow. Let’s hope for their sake they find their groove soon, because I don’t think ABC has given it a back-nine order yet.

Tuesday Night Grades:

Parenthood: A (It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it’s perfect)

Glee: C+ (there are two solid episodes this season but the rest are still meh)

Raising Hope: B (It’s still hilarious and such a fun show to watch)

Flashpoint: B+ (it does get heavy-handed sometimes but overall it’s damn good television)

Body Of Proof: C- (still not that great but it has its moments)


When it comes to Wednesday nights, it’s pretty clear who dominates in terms of ratings: Modern Family. This ABC comedy won big at the Emmys and people are still loving this big, crazy, slightly dysfunctional family show. And don’t get me wrong, I still love this show very much, but I think in its third season, Modern Family is starting to enter The Big Bang Theory-like state: it’s still funny and the masses love it, but it doesn’t really go beyond that. We’re not attached to the characters or even the plots anymore, we just watch every week for the laughs and that’s it. I’m not saying it has come to that, but if it’s not careful, it can very well be in the next one or two seasons, because so far none of the season three episodes that have aired was particularly memorable. They’re all funny, but I somehow just don’t connect with them – unlike in seasons 1 and 2. On the other hand, ABC’s sophomore comedy Happy Endings seems to hit all the right notes lately. Sure, it had a rough start last season but it quickly turned around and made us fall in love with its quirkiness. Ever since Cougar Town is banished to mid-season (or maybe even longer, DAMN YOU ABC!), Happy Endings is the only ABC show that makes me feel like I’m hangin’ with the coolest people on earth when I watch it. And that feeling is – as Penny would say – amahzing.

Meanwhile over on USA, Psych has finally returned for its sixth season, after being bumped to Fall to make room for Suits last Summer, and I’m happy to report that even in its sixth season, the show is still as fresh and fun as ever. I like how they handle the Shawn and Juliet relationship, which is really to shove it in the background. But it works! It’s always tricky when a will-they-won’t-they couple finally get together and the only way they can sustain it Jim and Pam style is to push it to the background a little bit, until they make big life decisions such as getting engaged, married, having babies etc. And since Shawn and Juliet aren’t ready for that kind of leap, it’s best to only get glimpses of their blossoming romance for now. Finally, on to CBS’ Criminal Minds. Not much to say, except that it’s good to have the gang back together again. Last season felt a bit off with both AJ Cook and Paget Brewster getting the cut, but luckily CBS realized its mistakes and rectified the situation by bringing both actresses back. And now we can finally focus on the serial killers – and Matthew Gray Gubler’s fabulous hair.

Wednesday Night Grades:

Modern Family: B- (It’s still good but it’s not as great as it used to be)

Happy Endings: A (It’s seriously amahzing, you guys)

Psych: B (It’s still funny but sometimes it does get a bit “been there done that”)

Criminal Minds: C+ (Still comfortingly watchable, but it’s already in season 7)


First, I just want to take a moment to mourn the darkest timeline of all: NBC benching my favorite show Community for mid-season, which means there will be no Community come January. Let us all put on our black goatee and plot the destruction of the world. Okay. Moment over. I don’t want to dwell on it, especially since the thought of no Community can trigger a breakdown, Abed-style. I’m just praying that the powers that be will let this little show gets what it deserves: six seasons and a movie. Especially since this season, the show continues to deliver amazeballs episodes. Yes, I said it. Amazeballs. Why NBC chooses to bench this show (and cancel Prime Suspect while they’re at it) and let the insipid Whitney live on to annoy the masses is beyond me. Obviously, this is the darkest timeline. I’m just waiting for someone to right the wrong. I’m talking to you, Bob Greenblatt! Anyway, moving right along, my second favorite show ever, Parks and Recreation, also has not disappointed me yet this season, despite their decision to break up my favorite sitcom pairing since Jim and Pam: Ben and Leslie. What used to be romance was replaced by angst and blossomed into romance again and oh! It’s just so good, it deserves a place in Ron Swanson’s Pyramid of Greatness.

The Office post-Steve Carell isn’t doing too great, however, which is a shame because I had always seen that show as more of an ensemble instead of a Steve Carell show. But I guess he left some big shoes to fill and somehow both James Spader and Ed Helms haven’t managed to do that just yet. The dynamic feels off somehow, and I’m still not getting why Spader needs to be there all the time. I’m still hoping they’ll finally get it right but it’s looking less and less likely now. Something tells me The Office should’ve just ended when Carell left. Over on CBS, The Big Bang Theory still gets monster ratings, and yes it’s still enjoyable to watch, but it’s getting less and less memorable now that it’s in its fifth season. I just simply can’t care about the characters anymore and I watch it with about as much enthusiasm as when I watch 2 Broke Girls. This show will live on forever, probably (hey, Two and A Half Men still exists, right?) but I’m not so sure I’m sticking around for the long haul.

Moving on from comedy to drama, Bones on Fox has just premiered its seventh season a couple of weeks ago with a pregnant Brennan and I have to say, they have managed to avoid the Moonlighting curse pretty cleverly with this plot, that happened mostly because of actress Emily Deschanel’s real life pregnancy. Brennan being pregnant help gives the show something else to focus on besides the Booth/Brennan relationship. We still get to see them as a couple but the shift in dynamic is a lot smoother this way, and they’re still just as interesting to watch as before they got together. Another upside: Sweets gets more to do, and I always love it when I get to see more of John Francis Daley (see my 10 Hottest Men of Fall list for clarification). Over on The CW, my favorite supernatural show this side of the millennium, The Vampire Diaries, also isn’t showing signs of a decline now in its third season. The plots remain interesting, the twists continue to surprise, the guest stars are added delight, and the relationships that are formed and broken continue to be exciting. Last season we had Jeremy and Bonnie hooking up, this season we had them breaking up thanks to Jeremy’s ghost vampire ex (don’t ask). Last season we had Matt walking out on Caroline because he couldn’t deal with her being a vampire, this season we had Caroline hooking up with werewolf Tyler who was later on turned into a hybrid and sired by Klaus, which ruined their ongoing romance (again, don’t ask). There’s always so many things going on, so many interesting characters at play in this show. The only downside? The producers are not shy about killing off beloved characters, so I’m always anxious that someone awesome is going to die in every episode. I don’t need that kind of anxiety in my life!

Thursday Night Grades:

Community: A+ (I’m biased, I know.)

Parks and Recreation: A+ (Again, totally bias. Don’t protest, it’s my blog!)

The Office: C (It’s really getting frustrating to watch)

The Big Bang Theory: C- (I just can’t care about the characters anymore)

Bones: B (Overachieving Brennan would probably not be happy with this grade)

The Vampire Diaries: B+ (It still gets a little too cheesy at times, but overall it’s still awesome)


Friday night television is usually the night when good television comes to die, or what we die-hard TV fans call “Programming Siberia”. And while it’s true that high ratings for Friday night shows are not easy to come by, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any quality show on Friday night, because it just so happens that Friday night is also “Geek Night”, with Chuck on NBC airing at 8 pm and Fringe on Fox airing at 9 pm. With those two shows on any given Friday night, do you even question why I never leave the house? 😉 And so far, both shows totally deliver in terms of awesomeness. Chuck is in its fifth and final season and it’s still as entertaining as ever. I like that the stakes are raised and they keep giving us something to look forward to every episode, as well as the fact that I still have NO CLUE how they’re going to end the series. It’s going to be epic, for sure, but they’re clever enough not to give away the ending from the beginning. Fringe doesn’t disappoint either, after introducing a new timeline (Abed will LOVE this) at the beginning of season 4 that complicates things and at the same time makes them even more interesting. Plus they upgraded Seth Gabel to series regular, and he’s been pretty awesome so far. The only downside? With dismal ratings, I have a feeling this show will not make it to season 5, unless by some miracle. So internet! You know what to do, start a crazy fan campaign so huge Fox just has to give it one more season – or at least 13-episodes final season like Chuck.

Friday Night Grades:

Chuck: B+ (They did downgrade Beckmanand there’s just not enough of Jeffster this season)

Fringe: A (It deserves an A for Agent Lincoln Lee alone!)

And there you have it, my Report Card of the Fall 2011 Returning TV shows. What’s your favorite show of this season? Do you think NBC is crazy for benching Community? (The answer is yes) How ’bout that Ben and Leslie kiss? I will be back soon with my annual Christmas lists – so be on the lookout for that. For now, I bid you adieu and until next time!


Binky Bee

My 12 Days of Christmas Countdown: First Day

Christmas is almost here, and as a result, I’m already in a holiday mood.  So, I decided to do what good ol’ St. Nick would do this time of the year: “making a list, and checking it twice” – but instead of “checking it twice”, I’m just going to make a series of countdown lists from now to… 12 days from now, a la that really annoying song, The 12 Days of Christmas. My 12 Days of Christmas Countdown will be divided into three parts: TV, Movie and Celebrities. I would do music, but since I don’t exactly have the most mainstream taste, I better not – there’s nothing more annoying that reading a list of music you’ve never heard of, right? 🙂

And now, let us begin Binky’s 12 Days of Christmas Countdown, starting with the first day:

My Top 10 Shows of 2010

Note: Before anyone protests, I am sure Parks & Recreation and Friday Night Lights deserve to be in this list, but since NBC pushed the premiere date for Parks & Rec to next year and I haven’t seen the last and final season of FNL (currently airing on DirecTV), I have no choice but to exclude them from this year’s list. But if I do another round of this next year, I’ll make sure I’ll include them. Now, on to the list:

1/ Community, NBC.

Like I have mentioned in my Golden Globes post, this genius comedy is the most underrated show on television today. But luckily, it does have a loyal fanbase who appreciates its meta humor and zany pop culture references every week. And I am one of them. The reason why I chose this show as my number one of 2010 is simple; this is the only show that can be absurd and realistic at the same time. Just look at season 2: in less than 13 episodes, the show manages to: have Betty White guest stars as a lunatic anthropology professor, cleverly avoid going down the will-they-won’t-they romantic plotlines, pay homage to Apollo 13 while simultaneously pimping KFC, do a virus/zombie Halloween episode, a “conspiracy theory” episode that makes way more sense that AMC’s convoluted (and canceled) Rubicon, and finally: do the entire Christmas episode in stop-motion. Yes, people, the Rankin/Bass kind. The Golden Globes and SAG may not pay too much attention to this show, but in this list, our merry study group from Greendale Community College nabs the top honor. Congrats, guys.

2/ Mad Men, AMC.

Regardless how you feel about the finale of Season 4, you can’t deny that this is probably the only show on TV that is always consistent about its quality. Sterling Cooper had changed to Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, Don Draper has divorced his insufferable wife Betty and now about to marry his secretary, and Peggy Olsen had transformed from Don’s mousy secretary to a successful copywriter that men actually take seriously – all of these had happened without sacrificing great writing and solid ideas. No wonder this show keeps winning the Emmys, it’s not so easy finding a great show that can stay great after four seasons. And that’s why Mad Men continues to be on top, whether on this list, or any other.

3/ 30 Rock, NBC.

Most shows on television tend to decline in quality in its fifth season. I mean, look at The Office, its fifth season wasn’t exactly what you would call “solid”. But in 30 Rock’s case, it’s actually quite the opposite. Instead of declining in quality, it actually improves. From the premiere episode, this show just nailed it. The jokes are fresh and relevant, the meta commentary are on point and hilarious, and the celeb cameos are even more awesome: from Matt Damon to Mad Men’s John Slattery have shown up this season, they were all hilarious and we didn’t grow tired of seeing celeb stunt-casting in this show because the writers did a great job of giving them a good reason to be there.  Plus, they actually had a live show a few months back and it was epic! It’s official, Tina Fey is the most genius woman in the world. If she runs for president, I’ll definitely vote for her. 🙂

4/ Boardwalk Empire, HBO.

From the get go, this show had all the makings of an HBO hit: period drama from one of the writers of The Soprano, Terence Winter, starring Steve Buscemi as Enoch “Nucky” Thompson, corrupt politician/gangster, set in prohibition era Atlantic City. Oh and the pilot episode is directed by none other than one Martin Scorsese, who also serves as executive producer. And a hit it really did become, and for me, a much welcome change after a frustrating season of True Blood in the summer. Despite being compared heavily to Mad Men by critics, I think this show has its own appeal; from PTSD-ridden Jimmy Darmody to religious nutjob Agent Nelsan Van Alden, every character in this show is complex, fascinating and absolutely entertaining to watch. Not to mention, the mixture of real life characters with the fiction: in season one we got to meet Charlie “Lucky” Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and Al Capone. But I think the best part of this show is the addition of Jack Huston towards the end as Richard Harrow, a war vet with half a face who was both cold-blooded and heartwarming at the same time. Despite a rather weak finale, I still think this show was one of the best new shows of 2010, and one that’s well-deserving to be on this list.

5/ Cougar Town, ABC.

Even though Modern Family is the one getting all the awards, I can’t help but love this quirky Courtney Cox comedy just a little more than its Wednesday night companion. First of all, the show is really funny, and sometimes even much funnier than Modern Family. Second, it has all these crazy cool games; like “Penny Can” and Movie Mash Up. Third, the Cul-de-Sac crew are basically a bunch of high-functioning alcoholics who sit around Jules’ fabulous kitchen all day drinking red wine. How can you not love that? And let’s face it, we all wish our suburban neighbors are as cool as the cul-de-sac crew. Also, we all want to have a huge wine glass that we call ‘Big Joe’. Or maybe it’s just me?

6/ The Vampire Diaries, CW.

When this show first premiered last year, I have to admit I was really skeptical and thought that it was just another Twilight knock-off. But boy was I wrong! At the hands of  Scream and Dawson’s Creek’s Kevin Williamson and his partner Julie Plec, this show becomes more than just an adaptation of a popular vampire book series – it’s a fantastic show that keeps us at the edge of our seats week after week. Now in its second season, we’re delving more into the mythology and it’s actually fun and riveting at the same time. Nina Dobrev gets to show off her acting skills by portraying both the heroine Elena and her evil vampire doppelganger Katherine, and she knocks it out of the park every time. And of course, those Salvatore boys are just so hot, it’s really hard not to love this show. I mean, really.

7/ Raising Hope, Fox.

I wasn’t much of a fan of My Name Is Earl, so I didn’t expect to love this new show from Greg Garcia when it first premiered last Fall. But unlike My Name Is Earl, this show won me over in no time. Maybe it’s Martha Plimpton’s superb acting, maybe it’s the adorable baby Hope who I suspect may be a robot since she’s just way, way too cute, maybe it’s Bijou Phillips’ cameo as Hope’s serial killer on death row mom, maybe it’s Garret Dillahunt’s refreshing turn as a (not-so) deadbeat dad,  maybe it’s Cloris Leachman’s crazy antics as Mee Maw, or maybe this show is just that good. Whatever it is, I’m a fan, and I’m glad that the network seems to love it as well because it’s the first freshman show that gets a full-season pickup. Yeay!

8/ Fringe, Fox.

There aren’t too many sci-fi shows on TV right now, especially one with consistent quality and not-too-convoluted mythology. Fringe is one of those few. Now in its third season, the show upped its ante in the first half by alternating the episodes between two universes, which gives us an idea of “how the other half lives”. All the main actors, in the exception of Joshua Jackson, have to portray both their characters and the alternate versions of their characters week after week and they all gave such amazing performances, especially in the case of Anna Torv and the always fantastic John Noble. Not to mention, the deeper we get into the mythology of the Fringe universes, the more intriguing and fascinating it becomes. Fox may have lost faith in this show by moving it to TV’s Siberia – or Friday night – come January but I for one still think this is one of the best shows on TV right now and hopefully it’s not going away any time soon.

9/ Glee, Fox.

The second season of this mega hit may not be the best, but I still think this show deserves to be on this top 10 list. Because at the heart of it all, it’s still a lot of fun to watch. Sure, there are inconsistencies, and the writers do have a tendency of creating multiple plotlines only to drop them and not revisit them again a few episodes later, but the core struggles and the reason why I fell in love with the show are still there. And this season they have tackled a few sensitive issues, like faith, homosexuality and bullying, as well as body image issues quite realistically and with a lot of heart. Plus, they still charm us with their covers of everything from Broadway to Bruno Mars, not to mention their awesome Christmas album that is now playing on repeat in my iPod. Oh, and take heart, Finchel fans, the show will survive whether they’re together or apart. 🙂

10/ Parenthood, NBC.

A few years ago, ABC’s Brothers and Sisters charmed me with their big family dynamic and drama, but I grew tired of it after a while due to its inability to steer clear of the soap opera route: they keep adding illegitimate children and implausible plotlines that have nothing to do with what made the show charming in the first place. But NBC’s Parenthood is nothing like Brothers & Sisters. The drama is real and easy to relate to, the conflicts are relatable, and the plotlines are actually plausible. Sadly, it may very well be in danger of cancellation after this season wraps, but I’m hoping it’ll live to see another season because the Bravermans is one family I’d like to see more of.

So there you have it, my list of The Top 10 Shows of 2010. This television season is not exactly the best, but it does have its moments and I hope you’ve all enjoyed it as much as I have. And now that we’re done with this list, check back in tomorrow, I’ll be counting down The Top 10 TV Screen Scorchers.

Until then, feel free to comment and share your top 10 shows of 2010.


Binky Bee

Binky’s 2nd Annual “Ten New Shows To Watch This Fall”

Around this time last year, I posted “Ten New Shows To Watch This Fall”, a post about the ten most anticipated new shows  for the Fall 2009 TV season. Out of the ten I recommended: one won an Emmy (Modern Family) for Best Comedy, one became a worldwide sensation (Glee), five became certified hits (The Good Wife, The Vampire Diaries, White Collar, Community, Cougar Town), one became a sleeper hit (Bored To Death) and two were canceled before their time (Eastwick and Flashforward). All in all, I say I didn’t do too badly. 🙂

The 2009/2010 TV season was pretty exciting, I have to say. ABC got their comedy groove back with hit comedy shows Modern Family and Cougar Town, CW ruled the supernatural-obsessed tween/teen market with the massive success of Vampire Diaries, Fox managed to redeemed itself with the worldwide phenomenon also known as Glee, even CBS managed to step out of their usual crime procedural ways with The Good Wife, a show that I did recommend but ended up giving up on after 5 episodes. Of course there are epic failures – Flashforward comes to mind – but all in all, it was a pretty good year and it gives me hope for this coming television season.

This year, I decided to continue the tradition of giving my recommendation on the Ten New Shows To Watch This Fall, and you decide if any of them is worth your time and energy. Just like last year’s post, I haven’t actually seen all these shows, but I’ve done enough research to sort of make an assessment. Considering I did pretty good with last year’s new shows, I think you won’t be disappointed. 🙂 So here it is, for your viewing pleasure:

1/ Lone Star, airing on Fox starting Sept 20, 9/8c.

Probably one of the most anticipated new shows this Fall, Lone Star, a quirky drama set against the backdrop of big Texas oil, tells the story of Robert/Bob Allen, played by newcomer James Wolk (who kinda looks like a young Kyle Chandler, aka Coach Taylor of Friday Night Lights), a charismatic and  brilliant schemer who has meticulously constructed two lives in two different parts of Texas. As “Bob”, he lives in Houston and is married to Cat, played by Friday Night Lights’ Adrianne Palicki (how ’bout that?), the beautiful daughter of Clint (John Voight), the patriarch of an ultra-wealthy Texas oil family. More than 400 miles away in the suburban west Texas town of Midland, he’s “Robert”, living a second life with his sweet naive girlfriend, Lindsay (Eloise Mumford). The drama, created by Kyle Killen and directed by (500) Days of Summer director Marc Webb, focuses on Robert “Bob” Allen as he tries to keep his two separate worlds from colliding and his cons from closing in on him. Considering the fact that critics hailed this show as “the” one to watch this Fall, I think it’s a safe bet that we’re going to love it as well. And besides, Texas oil drama never fails to entertain. It’s about time for a 21st century spin on Dallas, don’t you think?

2/ No Ordinary Family, airing on ABC starting Sept 28, 8/7c.

To hype up the anticipation for this show, ABC has decided to make the pilot available in the official website for the first 50,000 viewers. And thanks to that decision, I somehow managed to watch the pilot online. Don’t ask me how 🙂 Anyway, the premise for this show sounds a little like a live-action version of The Incredibles: The Powells seem like an ordinary suburban family from the outside, but after surviving a plane crash in the Amazon, they return to discover that each of them develops cool new superpower, and they must decide whether this discovery would push them together or keep them apart. Co-created by John Harmon Feldman and Greg Berlanti, and starring Michael Chiklis (The Shields) and Julie Benz (Dexter) as Jim and Stephanie Powell, No Ordinary Family is definitely a fun watch for the whole family. The pilot was not too extraordinary, but it was fun and I personally would like to see more of The Powells. Plus, the show also stars Romany Malco (Weeds) and Autumn Reeser (The OC), in endearing supporting roles, which is most definitely a plus.

3/ The Event, airing on NBC starting Sept 20, 9/8c.

Is NBC’s The Event the new “Lost”? It seems that way, but show creator Nick Wauters, to his credit, is quick to disagree, promising that the show will not be as convoluted and confusing. So what is “The Event”? Well, according to NBC it is an emotional, high-octane conspiracy thriller that follows Sean Walker (Jason Ritter), an everyman who investigates the mysterious disappearance of his would-be fiancée Leila (Sarah Roemer), and unwittingly begins to expose the biggest cover-up in U.S. history. Sean’s quest will send ripples through the lives of an eclectic band of strangers, including newly elected U.S. President Elias Martinez (Blair Underwood); Sophia Maguire (Laura Innes), who is the leader of a mysterious group of detainees; and Leila’s shadowy father (Scott Patterson). Their futures are on a collision course in a global conspiracy that could ultimately change the fate of mankind. Sounds like fun? I think so. It is executive-produced by 24’s Evan Katz, so even though there’ll be no Jack Bauer to save the day, I think we’re in for a fun ride. And besides, how can you not love Jason Ritter? It’s impossible!

4/ Hawaii 5-0, airing on CBS, starting Sept 20, 10/9c.

I know, when I heard they’re doing another remake of a beloved classic show, I rolled my eyes too. So far, no one has managed to do a truly successful remakes; Bionic Woman and Knight Rider were a pain to watch, Melrose Place was vomit-inducing and 90210, despite its moderately successful run so far, cannot hold a candle to its original Beverly Hills, 90210. So why do I think this one will be different? I don’t. But come on, it’s Hawaii 5-o, if this means I get to hear that iconic theme song that used to be my ring tone for several years on my TV again, I’m already a happy camper. Not to mention, they’re upping the ante with casting Alex McLoughlin (Three Rivers) and Daniel Dae Kim fresh off the mythical island of Lost (guess he’s not leaving Hawaii after all). Can we stand the hotness? Oh and there’s Scott Caan too! I say give this remake a chance, it’ll probably receive huge ratings anyway. When has CBS ever gone wrong with crime procedurals?

5/ My Generation, airing on ABC starting Sept 23, 8/7c.

After being just as successful as its competitor NBC in the faux-documentary genre with Modern Family, ABC decided to give us one more faux-mentary in the form of My Generation, a show that’s essentially Breakfast Club: 10 Years Later. There’s the jocks, the geeks, the freaks, the prom queens and the 28-year-old virgin, all you need is just a documentary crew following them around and chronicling their lives. This show can either be truly awesome or an epic fail, but I think it’s worth a watch, if only for the nostalgia: Britney Spears in her prime! President Clinton’s now-infamous denial! Eminem! Plus, according to an early review by Zaptoit.com, “the series takes a brave look at the ripple effect large-scale events like September 11, 2001 and the Enron collapse had on individual lives. The show truly does tell the story of a generation through these nine kids.” – sounds like the kind of show we’d grow to eventually love, right?

6/ Raising Hope, airing on Fox starting Sept 21, 9/8c.

Fox is officially cool again! After scoring big with Glee last year, the network greenlighted more comedies for us to enjoy this season, and one of them is from My Name Is Earl’s creator Greg Garcia, about a well-meaning screw up Jimmy Chance (Lucas Neff) a 23-year-old who skims pools for a living, parties every night and still lives at home with his family, that includes his Mee-Maw (Cloris Leachman), his mother Virginia (Martha Plimpton), his father Burt (Garrett Dillahunt aka the former psycho bad guys in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Burn Notice), and his cousin Mike (Skyler Stone). Jimmy’s life takes a drastic turn when a chance romantic encounter with Lucy (Bijou Phillips) goes awry once he discovers she is a wanted felon. Months later, when Jimmy pays a visit to the local prison, he discovers Lucy gave birth to their baby, who he is now charged with raising, and an unwelcome addition to his family. This show seems like a sweet dysfunctional family comedy, and I’m excited to see Dillahunt in a non-psycho villain role for once. Besides, comedies like this are Garcia’s specialty so I think it won’t disappoint.

7/ Nikita, airing on The CW starting Sept 9, 9/8c.

Another remake on this list, I guess this is the year of remakes after all. Nikita is of course the remake of La Femme Nikita, the French film that has spawned an American adaptation (The Assassin starring Bridget Fonda), and a failed TV show. A third adaptation does sound desperate, but I’d watch this show for one (kick ass) reason: Maggie Q. She’s a virtual unknown in the US, but in Asia, everyone knows her as “the female Jackie Chan”, she’s a mega star in Hong Kong and yes ladies and gentlemen, just like Chan, she does her own stunts. The Quentin Tarantino fan in me does a little dance when I found out she was going to play the titular character. Besides, some CW shows did surprise us all: Vampire Diaries turned out to be a solid show, and let’s not forget that Gossip Girl was like the best. show. ever before season 3. I have a feeling Nikita would be another one of CW’s pleasant surprise, but don’t take my word for it. The show will premiere in three days, so watch it and let me know if I’m right 🙂

8/ Running Wilde, airing on Fox starting Sept 21, 9.30/8.30c.

Are you an Arrested Development fan? I am too. Do you love Will Arnett? I do too. So you need to check out Running Wilde, aka Fox’s apology to creator Mitch Hurwitz for axing the much beloved Arrested Development way before its time. Starring GOB himself aka Will Arnett (who also co-created the show), Running Wilde tells the story of Steve Wilde (Arnett), a filthy-rich, immature playboy trying desperately to win (or buy) the heart of his childhood sweetheart, Emmy Kadubic (Keri Russell, “Waitress), the uber-liberal humanitarian who got away – all told through the perspective of a 12-year-old girl. Sure, the multiple reshoots could spell trouble for this show, but it could also just mean a lowering of expectations. In any case, I think we should hope for the best and even though it won’t be the new Arrested Development, it does bring Will Arnett back to our TV and who doesn’t love that? Fingers crossed for a Bateman cameo!

9/ Undercovers, airing on NBC starting Sept 22, 8/7c.

Alias has been canceled for years, but that doesn’t mean JJ Abrams has given up on the good-looking spy genre and Undercovers is proof of that. Partnering with Brothers and Sisters executive producer, this new Abrams show is a sexy, fun, action-packed spy drama that proves once and for all that marriage is still the world’s most dangerous partnership, or at least that’s what NBC wants us to think. What do I think? Well, Boris Koedjo and Gugu Mbatha-Raw who play retired-spies husband and wife Steven and Samantha Bloom are so extremely good-looking, it’s hard to take my eyes off them. I would watch the show simply to see two good-looking people kicking ass on screen. Also, JJ Abrams promises that Undercovers would be less Alias and more Pitt-Jolie’s Mr & Mrs Smith, with equally sexy cast. I think it’s a no-brainer. I’m watching for sure. Need I remind you how good Mr Abrams is at banter-under-fire? You want to watch this show, I know you do.

10/ Better With You, airing on ABC starting Sept 22, 8.30/7.30c.

After the Emmy-winning massive success of Modern Family, ABC is determined to bring the family comedy genre back, and Better With You (formerly Better Together) is the result of that. The comedy tells the story of three couples: Maddie and Ben, who have been in a committed relationship for 9 years, Maddie’s sister Mia and her boyfriend Casey, who have been dating for seven weeks, and their parents Vicky and Joel, who have been married for 35 years and have recently adopted a carpe diem philosophy of life. It does sound a lot like Modern Family, and a less-funny version of that too, but I’d say give this show a try. Not only is Joanna Garcia super adorable, but critics seem to dig it as well. And besides, it’s all part of ABC’s Wednesday night comedy with Modern Family and Cougar Town, so it should work!

Also worth a mention:

Boardwalk Empire, airing on HBO starting Sept 19, 9 PM. This much-anticipated collaboration of Martin Scorsese (yes, the Martin Scorsese) with Terence Winter (The Sopranos) tells the story of Nucky Thompson (Steve Buscemi), Atlantic City’s undisputed ruler who’s equal parts of politician and gangster in the prohibition era. Based on Nelson Johnson’s history, Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City, this 13-episode series has all the makings of an HBO hit: strong story, amazing actors and fantastic set and costumes. Hey, it’s not TV, it’s HBO and considering who’s behind this project, I have a feeling this will be good.

Terriers, airing on FX starting Sept 8, 10 PM. FX can do no wrong these days, after hitting big with Justified, in just two days the network will premiere Terriers, a quirky, modern private-eye show about two fellows with dark pasts and shady methods. An enigmatic buddy drama set by the SoCal sea that combines quirk with gum shoe gumption, Terrier doesn’t look like it’s going to disappoint anyone. Plus, you can finally see Michael Raymond-James, aka serial killer Rene in True Blood, in a different but equally quirky role. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

What new shows are you planning to watch this Fall?


Binky Bee